SDCEP – Restricting the Use of Dental Amalgam in Specific Patient Groups

From the 1 July 2018 new environmental restrictions on dental amalgam use are applicable in UK law.
After this date, the use of dental amalgam for treatment in patients under 15 years old, in pregnant or breastfeeding patients or for primary teeth in any patient will only be allowed where deemed strictly necessary by the dental practitioner.
The new restrictions are specified in the EU regulation have been introduced to fulfil the requirements of the global Minamata Convention which aims to phase-down the use of mercury and mercury containing products, including dental amalgam, on environmental grounds.
The Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme (SDCEP) advice on Restricting the Use of Dental Amalgam in Specific Patient Groups has been developed to facilitate the implementation of Article 10(2) of Regulation (EU) 2017/852 on Mercury.
The advice aims to support dental professionals across the UK in interpreting and implementing these environmentally-driven restrictions on dental amalgam use. Information is provided on caries prevention, alternative caries management approaches and restorative materials to inform practitioners’ clinical decision making.
The advice and supporting tools are available to download on the SDCEP website