Scottish Dental Practice Based Research Network Symposium-June 2014

The SDPBRN 2014 Symposium is the place to hear about the latest research in dental primary care in Scotland and elsewhere. The event regularly attracts 100 or more researchers, practitioners, dental services managers, trainees and students from all over the country. This yearthe Symposium focuses on quality improvement initiatives to improve and maintain standards of dental primary care.
The day will be introduced by Tom Ferris, Deputy Chief Dental Officer and speakers include:-
- Neil Houston (Healthcare Improvement Scotland),
- TonyAnderson (NHS Education for Scotland),
- Paul Brocklehurst (University of Manchester),
- Steve Turner (SDPBRN),
- Paul Bowie (NHS Education for Scotland)
- Irene Black (NHS Education for Scotland).
There will also be a pre-symposium dinner held on the evening of 9 June 2014 at the Invercarse Hotel, Dundee. All delegates are welcome to attend.
For additional information please contact