Safety Climate Survey FAQ 3: Working across practices and split registrations

Do you work in General Dental Services and have staff who work across practices? Would you like them all to complete the same Safety Climate Survey?
If practices are within the same NHS board, it’s possible to merge location codes together and complete one survey. In order to do this, please contact us at to advise which location code you have registered and which other location codes will be participating under that registration. We are not able to combine practices if they cross NHS boards.
Do you work in Public Dental Services and want to split your registrations into smaller groups, for example by location?
You can request additional sub-codes by contacting us at Please request any new codes before you register. As soon as the sub-codes are set up, we will notify you and then each team can be registered separately.
Visit our website for guidance documents and templates to support your team’s survey.
The survey closes on 31 March 2020 so start now to make sure your team have enough time to complete the process.