Remobilisation of NHS Dental Services: Phase 4

- Update 24th November: an updated version of the Standard Operating Procedures for Dental Teams was released.
As previously indicated NHS dental services will be moving to phase 4 of the NHS Dental Remobilisation Plan from the 1st of November. From that date NHS dental contractors will be able to provide the full range of NHS treatments to all patients in need of both urgent and non-urgent care.
Full details are available in PCA(D)(2020)13
To support the move to phase 4 remobilsation the following documents are available.
- The 4 UK country dental infection protection and control guidance
- NHS Scotland Standard Operating Procedures for Dental Teams
- A revised Statement of Dental Remuneration (SDR-148)*
- A letter to Dental Directors about the new SDR Amendment
- Letter regarding PPE supply
*The SDR is a live document and may be updated in due course. Latest update 3rd November 2020.