Providing Aerosol Generating Procedures (AGPs) in Practice

A new Memorandum PCA(D)2020 (11) has been issued providing guidance on the provision of certain AGPs in practice from the 17th August. This includes the following ‘Rule of Thumb’ which should be followed until further definitive advice is available:
- For a treatment room with more than 10 air changes per hour (ACH) and which can be evidenced to the NHS Board, a minimum of 20 minutes ‘fallow time’ (after which entrance to the room without PPE is allowed) before cleaning is recommended.
- For a treatment room with external ventilation (natural or mechanical) with less than 10 ACH or with no data on number of air changes per hour available, the fallow time would be 60 minutes.
- For a treatment room with no external ventilation (natural or mechanical), the absence of air changes means that AGPs should not be undertaken
Download a copy of PCA(D)2020 (11)
A copy of Amendment No. 147 of the Statment of Dental Remuneration is available on our SDR page.