Practice premises revaluation exercise -1st April 2018

The Scottish Government has today issued a memorandum advising of an exercise to update practice valuations for reimbursement of practice rental costs under Determination XV of the Statement of Dental Remuneration (SDR).
For the last revaluation exercise in 2015 all practice premises were individually inspected. This time the current market rent is determined by the valuer appointed by the Scottish Government, and will comprise
- A desktop exercise of all qualifying practices;
- An inspection element of around 20 per cent of practices; comprising:
- A random sample element;
- Where there has been substantial or significant change to the premises after the 2015 exercise;
- Where there are inconsistencies between the information provided by participating practices and the information held by the relevant NHS Board.
In the first instance eligible practices will be sent a Rent Revaluation Practice Questionnaire, for completion and return to their NHS Board by 22 September 2017.
This form must be signed by the designated contractor. Contractors in a leasehold arrangement must also provide a copy of the current lease with the completed questionnaire.
Further enquiries should be taken up with your NHS Health Board.