PPE Quality Control / Quality issues

The following list of Health Board contacts will allow practitioner to make direct contact with their local boards regarding Quality Control / Quality issues with the PPE. This will allow the issue to be escalated to National Procurement. This contact should ensure escalation but reduces the notion of multiple dental practices having to make contact and duplicating effort.
Health Board | Contact |
NHS Ayrshire & Arran | alastair.mcinnes@aapct.scot.nhs.uk |
NHS Borders | procurement@borders.scot.nhs.uk |
NHS Dumfries & Galloway | dg.logistics@nhs.scot |
NHS Fife | fife.procurementfifenhs@nhs.scot |
NHS Forth Valley | fv.fvcustomerservices@nhs.scot |
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde | Covid-19@ggcprocurementcustomerservices.zendesk.com |
NHS Grampian | gram.covid19supplies@nhs.scot |
NHS Highland | nhsh.areastoreraigmore@nhs.scot |
NHS Highland A&B | nhsh.li-supplies@nhs.scot |
NHS Lanarkshire | PPECovid19@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk |
NHS Lothian | essentialsupplies.C19@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk |
NHS Orkney | ork.stores@nhs.scot |
NHS Shetland | shet.ppeproject@nhs.scot |
NHS Tayside | https://nhsnss.service-now.com/procurementhelpdesk |
NHS Western Isles | wi.storespi@nhs.scot |