Oral Health Management of Patients Prescribed Anti-resorptive or Anti-angiogenic Drugs – Consultation closes shortly

The consultation period on new guidance from SDCEP on the Oral Health Management of Patients Prescribed Anti-resorptive or Anti-angiogenic closes on the 1st October 2016.
This draft guidance is an update to the 2011 SDCEP publication Oral Health Management of Patients Prescribed Bisphosphonates and includes new advice on the wider range of drugs implicated in medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ).
SDCEP would greatly appreciate your comments to help inform further development of this guidance before publication.
- Electronic files of both the draft guidance and a feedback form can be obtained via the SDCEP website:
- Feedback can also be submitted online via Questback.
- Feedback closes on 1st October 2016.
The guidance is primarily intended for dentists in primary care dental practice, and will also be of relevance to the secondary care dental service, those involved in dental education, undergraduate trainees, prescribers of these drugs and patients.