National Dental Inspection Program (NDIP) 2020 Report
The latest findings of the Detailed Inspection programme of P1 children in school year 2019/20 have now been released by Public Health Scotland.
The National Dental Inspection Programme (NDIP) is carried out annually under the auspices of the Scottish Dental Epidemiology Co-ordinating Committee on behalf of NHS Boards.

Main points
- Almost three quarters (73.5%) of P1 children had no obvious decay experience in their primary teeth in 2020. This is a large improvement since the National Dental Inspection Programme commenced in 2003 (45%).
- The average number of P1 children’s teeth affected by obvious decay experience in 2020 is 1.04. This is large improvement since 2003 when the average number of teeth affected was 2.76.
- Inequalities remain, with only 58.1% of P1 children having no obvious decay experience in the most deprived areas compared with 86.9% in the least deprived areas.
NDIP reports from previous years are available from the National Dental Inspection Programme website