Key points
- The data presented here for each NHS board are the number of 3- or 4-year-old children resident in that NHS board area who received two or more applications of fluoride varnish in the previous year, the estimated population of 3- or 4-year-old children, and hence the proportion of the population receiving two or more applications of fluoride varnish, by deprivation quintile. This first release covers the period 1st April 2011 to 31st.
- There is extensive variation in these reported quintile scores between NHS boards, but generally more deprived SIMD quintiles are attaining higher scores than the less deprived quintiles. March 2012.
- ISD reports this data quarterly on the HEAT dashboard, and based on trajectories made by each NHS board these figures are expected to increase – across quintiles – towards the March 2014 end-point (of this HEAT target’s clinical activity), as Childsmile activity increases. For example, it is only since October 2011 that dentists have been remunerated under the terms of NHS general dental services for providing Childsmile fluoride varnishing.