Child Sexual Exploitation – A Guide for Health Practitioners

Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) is a persistent and growing issue across the UK. To impact on this requires a multiagency approach and health practitioners must have the correct information to support them to identify CSE and act appropriately.
To help support frontline staff the Scottish Government has recently published a Guide for Health Practitioners on Child Sexual Exploitation. The guide has been developed by a Short-life Working Group, chaired by Senior Medical Officer at the Scottish Government, Dr Kate McKay, as part of the response to the National CSE Action Plan to Prevent and Tackle Child Sexual Exploitation
The guide aims to:-
- Ensure practitioners are alert to this form of complex child abuse.
- Help practitioners spot the signs that a child or young person may be at risk of, or be experiencing child sexual exploitation.
- Emphasise that child sexual exploitation is a form of child abuse, and requires a child protection response.
- Outline the responsibilities of health practitioners to take action in line with local NHS Board and Child Protection Committee Child Protection procedures, including sharing information.
- Highlight the importance of appropriate communication with children and young people in helping to identify and respond to disclosures.
Download a copy of the guide.