Ventilation, water and environmental cleaning in dental surgeries relating to COVID-19

This SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation) on ventilation water and environmental cleaning in dental surgeries relating to COVID-19 was developed by a Short Life Working Group (SLWG) that included all devolved administrations, representatives from Public Health England (PHE) and academia (see table below).
The purpose of the short life working group was to review and make recommendations for remobilisation, development of guidance and other activities (e.g. training) with respect to ventilation (and associated aspects) within dental practices and treatment rooms in relation to COVID-19 based on the best available evidence and consensus expert opinion.
The document examines the current evidence base and is not intended as specific formal guidance in itself, rather it intended to provide recommendations to help inform future policy and the development of guidance. The Chief Dental Officers see this as ”a welcome addition to the information available on AGPs in the COVID period”.
Download a copy of the document
SLWG Member | Health Board/ Trust/Organisation/Group |
Ian Storrar (Co-Chair) | Health Facilities Scotland |
Annette Rankin (Co-Chair) | Health Protection Scotland/ARHAI |
Gavin McLellan | CDO Office |
Paul Cushley | NSS Director of Dentistry |
Mike Weinbren | Health Protection Scotland/ARHAI |
Andrew Smith | Glasgow University and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde |
Catherine Noakes | Leeds University |
Peter Hoffman | Public Health England |
Melanie Wilson | Cardiff and Vale University Health Board |
David McNeil | Health Facilities Scotland |
Lorna Gordon | National ARHAI Scotland |
Kirsty McDaid | National ARHAI Scotland |
Adrian Eggleton | NHS Estates |
Mike Ralph | NHS England and NHS Improvement |
Simon Russell | NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership |
Mark Gapper | NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership |
Dylan Evans | NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership |
David Wilson | DoH NI Safety Strategy Unit |
David McCabrey | DoH NI Safety Strategy Unit |
Charles Afuakwah | NSS |
Laura Allison | Health Facilities Scotland |
- ARHAI Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infection
- DoH NI Department of Health, Northern Ireland
- NSS National Services Scotland