Phase 3 Remobilisation of NHS Dental Services

Today sees the release of three important documents from The Scottish Government about the remobilisation of NHS dental services in Scotland.
A letter from the Chief Dental Officer of 9th July about the move into Phase 3 Remobilisation from the COVID-19 lockdown.
“Today the First Minister confirmed that the necessary criteria were met for Scotland to move forward to phase 3. As per my letter of 24 June this means that from the 13 July dental practices may see NHS patients for routine non-aerosol care. “
A further CDO letter to NHS Board and Practitioner Services of 10th July about arrangements for phase 3 of the remobilisation of NHS dental services, including:
- Urgent Dental Care Centres, Actions for NHS Boards, Standing Up Dental Practices, Availability of PPE and Review of Practice Preparation.
A memorandum providing detailed guidance for Phase 3 remobilisation, including more details on the above, and updates on:
- Aerosol Generating Procedures, Surgery Preparation for Seeing Patients, PPE Distribution and Stocks, and the Statement of Dental Remuneration.